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Intl Regulation of Trade

About this Course

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the rapidly developing field of international trade regulation.  We begin by examining the World Trade Organization, the dispute resolution mechanism employed by the WTO to handle international trade disputes, and the interpretation and enforcement of the various international trade treaties - GATT, GATS, TRIPS, and TRIMS - that fall under the WTO's jurisdiction.  Although these treaties vary considerably in coverage and approach, they reflect a common aim - elimination of barriers to trade - and incorporate certain basic shared principles (such as the "equal treatment" principle underlying the National Treatment and Most Favorable Nation provisions).  Our primary focus will be on the substantial body of jurisprudence which has emerged from decisions of dispute resolution panels interpreting the relevant treaty provisions, a body of jurisprudence that forms, as it were, a primary "constitutional law" of international trade.  Other regional trade agreements such as NAFTA will be considered, but our primary focus will be on interpretation and enforcement of the treaties administered by the WTO.  An essential foundation course for any student interested in pursuing a career in international law.

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