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Environmental Law



2016 Spring

About This Class

This is a survey course that will introduce students to the basic concepts of U.S. environmental law.  Students will trace the development of this complex and diverse body of law from its common law origins through the development of modern statutory and regulatory programs.  Goals of the course include (1) familiarity with the major federal environmental laws, their underpinnings in the common law, and the competing approaches to public policy reflected in each statute, (2) understanding of the cooperative federal-state governance structure and administrative law framework as applied in U.S. environmental law, and exposure to and the opportunity to practice skills used in environmental law including public speaking, advocacy, legal analysis, writing, receiving and providing feedback on work product, negotiating resolutions of disputes, and the application of legal process.  Themes in the course include global climate disruption, interdisciplinary approaches to environmental problem-solving, the role of the ethical attorney in environmental disputes and environmental justice.  Students will explore environmental law through reading case law, statutes, regulations and articles.
Method of Evaluation:  Writing assignments, class participation and in class final examination

AWR:  No

Class Code


