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Arti Mohan
Adjunct Faculty

Arti Mohan

Adjunct Professor
Center for Justice Reform

Arti Mohan


Arti Mohan is a restorative justice and practices practitioner and trainer.  As a lawyer, Arti litigated for children who've been abused. Since 2016, Arti has designed and implemented restorative processes and spaces for children and adults as part of Counsel to Secure Justice's restorative justice and practices pilot project in New Delhi, India. In her role as Restorative Practices and Justice Program Manager, she designs and facilitates training on restorative justice and practices for governmental and non-governmental stakeholders.  Arti has also been engaged in restorative justice research, including that specific to India. Arti is a member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice's Values and Standards Committee.