West Coast Fisheries Project Director
Wild Oceans

The Work // Protects healthy food webs and critical habitats for fish, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds. Wild Oceans conserves saltwater sport fish, with emphasis on the ocean’s top predators—billfish, tunas, swordfish, and sharks.

Recent Accomplishment // Wild Oceans has been working for more than a decade to end the use of drift nets in our West Coast swordfish fishery. This spring, the Pacific Fishery Management Council agreed to step up research of “greener” alternative fishing gear that minimizes bycatch of marlin, shark, leatherback turtles, and sperm whales while providing fishermen with opportunities to fish in an environmentally responsible way.

Outdoor Passion // Exploring the ocean with snorkel and fins.

In Her Own Words // “I love the sound of the outdoors and the ocean, undisturbed by humans. This winter while diving in Maui, I heard humpbacks singing underwater.”

More Profiles from “Call of the Wild” Series