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Takings Conference 2016

4 Nov 2016

Takings Conference 2016

6:00am - 1:00pm

New Orleans, LA


This conference explores the takings issue as it relates to land use and environmental rules and other forms of regulation. In addition to offering a basic education in modern takings law, the conference brings together a diverse group of leading scholars and experienced practitioners to discuss cutting-edge issues. The conference will address the MRGO takings ruling by Judge Susan Braden of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, the pending U.S. Supreme Court case of Murr v. State of Wisconsin dealing with the “parcel as whole” issue in takings litigation, and recent challenges to the Williamson County takings exhaustion doctrine. Other topics to be addressed include potential impacts on property owners of coastal retreat policiesadopted in response to sea level rise due to climate change and the takings legacy of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.


Former Solicitor of the U.S. Department of Interior John Leshy will deliver a keynote talk on the recent legal challenges to the legitimacy of the United States’ legal title to one-third of the nation’s land.

Questions? Concerns? Contact Rebecca Milaschewski at