Map and Directions to Vermont Law and Graduate School
Vermont Law and Graduate School is conveniently located between exit 2 and exit 3 from Interstate 89 in the beautiful Vermont town of South Royalton.
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For GPS directions, please enter 164 Chelsea Street, South Royalton, VT.
From Boston, Massachusetts
Take I-93 north to Concord (NH). Exit I-93 onto I-89 north and drive northwest across New Hampshire into Vermont. Continue 13 miles on I-89 to exit 2 (Sharon, Vt.). Exit I-89 in Sharon, go left at the stop sign, then right at the next stop sign. Drive north on Route 14 five miles to the big, new, steel and granite bridge across the White River at the intersection with Route 110. Turn left here, cross the bridge, and Vermont Law and Graduate School will be 300 feet on your right.
From Hartford, Connecticut
Take I-91 north to White River Junction, Vt. Exit I-91 onto I-89 north and proceed 13 miles on I-89 to exit 2 (Sharon, Vt.). Exit I-89 in Sharon, go left at the stop sign, then right at the next stop sign. Drive north on Route 14 five miles to the big, new, steel and granite bridge across the White River at the intersection with Route 110. Turn left here, cross the bridge, and Vermont Law and Graduate School will be 300 feet on your right.
From Albany, New York
Take I-87 north to exit 20. Take Route 9 north for one-half mile, then turn right onto Route 149. Follow Route 149 east to Fort Ann. In Fort Ann, turn left onto Route 4 and follow Route 4 north and east into Vermont. Continue on Route 4 through Rutland, Vt., jogging north on Routes 4 and 7 briefly before continuing east on Route 4 over Sherburne Pass and through Woodstock, Vt., to I-89. Take I-89 one exit north to exit 2 (Sharon, Vt.). Exit I-89 in Sharon, go left at the stop sign, then right at the next stop sign. Drive north on Route 14 five miles to the big, new, steel and granite bridge across the White River at the intersection with Route 110. Turn left here, cross the bridge, and Vermont Law and Graduate School will be 300 feet on your right.
From New York City
Take I-95 north to I-91 in New Haven, Conn. Take I-91 north to White River Junction, Vt. Exit I-91 onto I-89 north and proceed 13 miles on I-89 to exit 2 (Sharon, Vt.). Exit I-89 in Sharon, go left at the stop sign, then right at the next stop sign. Drive north on Route 14 five miles to the big, new, steel and granite bridge across the White River at the intersection with Route 110. Turn left here, cross the bridge, and Vermont Law and Graduate School will be 300 feet on your right.
From Burlington, Vermont
Take I-89 south to exit 3 (Bethel, Vt.). Exit I-89 in Bethel, go left at the stop sign, proceeding east on Route 107 one-half mile to a “T.” Turn right onto Route 14 and proceed south five miles to the big, new, steel and granite bridge across the White River at the intersection with Route 110. Turn right here, cross the bridge, and Vermont Law and Graduate School will be 300 feet on your right.