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Note: The deadline for Proposals has passed.

Proposals for the International Restorative Justice Conference should be no longer than 500 words and may be submitted electronically to the attention of Stephanie Clark by emailing no later than midnight EST on February 1, 2018.

Please include the subject line on your proposal: Global Unity and Healing Conference 2018.

One presenter (per session proposed) is given free tuition for the day of their presentation.

We are striving for a rich blend of hands-on learning opportunities including workshops, discussions, panels, presentations and keynote addresses. We encourage creativity and adaptivity, and will select from the proposals to ensure a mix of learning styles and preferences.

Please help us classify your proposal by identifying on the proposal which category it most appropriately falls into from the following:

  1. Research or Evaluation
  2. Education or Training/Skill Building
  3. Practice Models
  4. Policy & Legislation
  5. Other ______________________________________

Please also tell us a bit about your proposal’s format:

  1. Paper presentation
  2. Workshop format
  3. Poster presentation
  4. Panel presentation
  5. Please specify space requirements and/or necessary A/V equipment
  6. Other ______________________________________

Finally, we believe people learn best when they engage in the material being presented and are prioritizing workshops that integrate restorative principles into the learning (by using meaningful engagement, relational approaches, and opportunities for first person grappling and dialogue). Please tell us how your workshop will do this by providing answers to the following:

  1. How will you elicit the knowledge of participants in the room?
  2. What knowledge, skill, or new perspectives will attendees gain from your proposal?
  3. Learning Objectives: Describe what learners will have done with each piece of content named. (“By the end of this session, participants will have….”  For example: “Participants will have compared restorative principles to Crime Victims Bill of Rights”).
  4. What will change as a result of participation in this workshop? Explain the vision for change. If participants apply the knowledge, skill, or new perspectives what is the desired impact for them and their communities?  
  5. How will the content of your proposal creatively link to the overarching conference themes?

Presenters/workshop leaders might address the theme of Global Unity and Healing and Building Communities with a Restorative Approach in relation to one or more of the following content areas:

Environmental Justice

Addressing Harm and Conflict

  • Alternative Responses to Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence
  • Criminal and Youth Justice Reform 
  • Restorative Family Engagement Practice

Building Safe, Healthy and Inclusive Communities

  • Leadership
  • Government and Institutions
  • Education
  • Human Resources  

The conference is hosted by Vermont Law School and its Center for Justice Reform including its restorative justice programs with support from a range of contributing partners, sponsors, and people including:    

  • Vermont Restorative Justice Consortium
  • Restorative International Learning Community hosted by Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University
  • New York Center for Court Innovation
  • Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence