Vermont Law Review editors present articles by leading criminal policy experts on issues explored at their recent Vermont Law School symposium—”Criminal Culpability: Who Deserves Punishment?”—in their latest publication, Vol. 41 Book 3, released this month.

“Symposium articles examine the role that punishment and incarceration play in the deterrence of crime, and each proposes its own unique vision of criminal justice reform,” said Al M. Dean JD’17, Vermont Law Review senior managing editor. “Our staff editors and production coordinators worked tirelessly to ensure that Book 3 materials read professionally and present novel solutions to criminal sentencing.”

Symposium articles include “Fewer Hands, More Mercy: A Plea for a Better Federal Clemency System by Mark Osler; “Why It Is Getting Harder to Prosecute Executives for Corporate Misconduct” by Peter J. Henning; and “What Kind of a Mad Prosecutor” Brought Us This White Collar Case” by Ellen S. Podgor. Additional articles include “Mitigating the Crime That Is the Over-Imprisonment of Women: Why Orange Should Not Be the New Black” by Mirko Bagaric and Brienna Bagaric, and “Historic Housing for All: Historic Preservation and the New Inclusionary Zoning” by Elizabeth M. Tisher JD’14.

Student notes include Dean’s “Turner, Thornburgh, and an Inmate’s Right to Read: The Chelsea Manning Case and Possible Solutions to BOP and USDB Regulation Language” and “Enforcing Vermont’s Consumer Lending Laws: A Needed Model for Other States” by Tucker Jones JD’17.

“Special thanks to Professors Jennifer Taub and Robert Sand, as well as Symposium Editors Kandi Spindler JD’17 and Kelsey Bain JD’17, who ensured that a variety of knowledgeable panelists participated in the symposium and felt welcome at Vermont Law School,” Dean said. “Our authors have been impressed with the editors’ diligence in preparing their work for publication.”

Vol. 41 Book 3 articles, as well as a full Vermont Law Review archives, are available for download at

Vermont Law Review is a journal of legal scholarship published by Vermont Law School students in consultation with VLS faculty and administration. Vermont Law Review‘s main objectives are to present readers with timely, topical information concerning the legal profession and legal scholarship, and to afford Vermont Law Review members an educational experience that will hone their skills in research, writing, legal analysis, and leadership. For more information about Vermont Law Review, including archived editions, visit


Vermont Law School, a private, independent institution, is home to the nation’s largest and deepest environmental law program. VLS offers a Juris Doctor curriculum that emphasizes public service; three Master’s Degrees—Master of Environmental Law and Policy, Master of Energy Regulation and Law, and Master of Food and Agriculture Law and Policy; and four post-JD degrees —LLM in American Legal Studies (for foreign-trained lawyers), LLM in Energy Law, LLM in Environmental Law, and LLM in Food and Agriculture Law. The school features innovative experiential programs and is home to the Environmental Law Center, South Royalton Legal Clinic, Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic, Energy Clinic, Food and Agriculture Clinic, and Center for Applied Human Rights. For more information, visit, find us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.​