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Graham Jesmer
IEE Graduate

Graham Jesmer

Regulatory Counsel
ISO New England, INC

JD 2013

Graham Jesmer


"The energy curriculum at VLS was invaluable in providing me with an understanding of legal principals of energy and telecommunications regulation.As a result of this knowledge, I was able to contribute immediately upon my arrival and have had a chance to take a lead in brief writing, cross examining witnesses during hearings and policy development. Where the energy curriculum provided me with the concrete skills I needed, my time at IEE taught me how to work in a collaborative legal/regulatory environment. Through collaborations with Carnegie Mellon University I learned how to work with engineers and other technical experts, a skill that comes in handy every day when dealing with accountants, engineers and rate making experts. These skills and the connections I made during my time at VLS are what have made me successful early in my career.”